Monday, 5 August 2019

Here is my blog page which shows a selection of photos of Alison Chloe Elliott.
I do have a wig, but because of my O.C.D. it takes me forever to get it to look right, so I don't always wear it.
I chose the name Alison Chloe Elliott because these names represent my initials.
The name Alison uses the first two letters of my Christian name, Chloe was the name of my favourite Bratz doll and Elliott was the name of a company that made some very superb leather boots and clothing way back in the swinging 1970's and won an award for their advertising of Leather shirt and leather knee high platform boots in 1974.
The recent photos are shown first, followed by some taken back in the 1990's
Red tartan mini skirt from Primark and black Pleaser go-go knee high boots
 Red tartan mini skirt from Primark and black Pleaser knee high go-go boots.
Red tartan mini skirt from Primark and black Pleaser go-go knee high boots
White long sleeved top, red tartan mini skirt and black Pleaser go-go boots.
Red tartan mini skirt from Primark and black Pleaser go-go knee high boots
White long sleeved top, red tartan mini skirt and Pavers black patent shoes.
Black wool dress with my Gabor, Davos Gomma black leather knee high boots
Black PU dress, long black gloves and my favourite boots, Gabor, Davos Gomma black leather knee high boots which cost just £9 in a local charity shop.
Black Faux Leather mini skirt and black 5 inch stiletto heel shoes.

Black PU mini skirt Next and Dolcis 1970's Retro black leather knee length boots.
Black PU mini skirt Next and Dolcis Retro 1970's black leather knee length boots.
Black PU mini skirt from Next and Dolcis 1970's Retro black leather knee length boots.

2018 Black long sleeved top, black leather mini skirt and black knee length boots.
Black long sleeved top, black leather mini skirt and black knee length boots.
Alison the Caffe Nero barista 11:45 a.m. on April 1st 2018

1 comment:

  1. Please click on the sections on the left towards the top of the page to see all of Alison Elliott's blog photos. Thank you
